Have You Really Seen a Ghost?

A ghost is defined as: The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats. Normally we state in this column that the Bible has a great deal to say about the topic being presented, however, in this case there is little found in the Bible about “ghosts” …

Truth or Tradition

On April 12th Christians around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of Christ is a major doctrine for Christianity. No resurrection, no heaven for anyone! “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen…And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!…” I Corinthians …

The Silent Mockery

Throughout the history of Judaism and Christianity there have been those who have exercised their freedom to mock the word of God. Mocking has several forms, i.e. from actually scoffing at Old Testament prophecies to just not taking the Bible seriously. In the Old Testament writings the same Hebrew word is used interchangeably for mock and scoff. Synonyms for mock …

The Seed of the Woman

As the Easter season approaches it causes us to pause and consider the grandeur of it all. At the same time we need to be aware of what “Easter” isn’t. The Bible tells us that in eons past God created a beautiful and powerful being named Lucifer, son of the morning. But Lucifer had a major problem. His beauty and …

Robbing Peter to Pay Paul is not Scriptural

While it is a noble idea to want to “share the wealth” to assist the poor, it is not found anywhere in the Bible that it is the government’s duty to do so. The present administration and both houses of congress have the perception that it is in their scope of responsibility to redistribute the wealth within the citizenry. Their …

The Silence Heard Around the World

There were many varied things said and promises made during President Obama’s recent address delivered to the joint session of congress. But it was what wasn’t said that spoke the loudest and should awaken America. The words “War on Terror” were not to be heard during this lengthy address. To insure that Muslims are not offended it is now politically …

History of the Future

Republican pundits are having a hay day with the plethora of material they have available for the next several years with the new “change driven” democratic president. These pundits should look beyond partisan ideologies, however, and take note of President Obama’s Christianity which trumps political partisanship. His outward expression of his religious beliefs should make it much easier for anyone …

President Obama Walks on a Slippery Slope

President Obama has extended an olive branch to the Muslim world including Iran in an interview with the Arab al-Arabiya television network recently. During this interview President Obama spoke of his family ties and affinity with the Muslim community. Many think that he could have had a head start on his efforts to relate to Muslims if he had highlighted …

Politically Correct vs. Biblically Correct

It has been said by many that America is great because of its diversity. Just as many have said, however, that America is great in spite of its diversity. Typically associated with diversity in America are acceptance, accommodation, and assimilation of the various cultures and religions associated with such diversity. That brings us to another threat to America’s freedom, i.e. …

President Obama, at Last!

“I Barack Hussain Obama, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend, the constitution of the United States.” And then much to his credit he voluntarily added to this oath the phrase “so help me God.” President Obama …