Who God is and what He requires.

The book details God’s love for His chosen nation Israel, and His church. He loves both in the same way as demonstrated by His mercy and grace. But He is also righteous and just and requires total obedience to all of His commandments and statutes. Because man is created in the image of God, man is to emulate God’s attributes. …

The Scarlet Thread of The Bible

The book focuses on the sanctity of the blood, especially as blood is the required payment for sins, which applies to everyone ever born. A key verse is found in Leviticus where it is stated: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your …

From Prophecy to Reality (Approaching Week 70)

There are two major objectives of this book.  The first is to review God’s plan to bring fallen man back to His presence, as it was in the beginning. The initial seven chapters will focus on this objective by examining God’s initiatives, plus obstacles and conditions prevalent during the current church age. Key words found in these chapters include return, …

Looking Backward from the Future: …Until Messiah the Prince

Title of Book: Looking Backward from the Future (…Until Messiah the Prince)     The major objective of this book is to get a glimpse of what awaits God’s people, and then take a more detailed look at the incomprehensible odyssey to get there.  Therefore, the initial chapter of the book begins with an overview of Revelation chapters 21 and 22.     Then …

God’s Plan for His Chosen: The Cost and the Conflict

Title of Book: God’s Plan for His Chosen (The Cost and the Conflict)                    This book reaches back to ages past to address events that served as precursors to Adam.  Such major events included God’s drafting of His detailed plan for those He would create in His own image, along with the participants in …

America’s Vision vs. God’s Standard of Justice: Rethinking the American Dream

Title of Book: America’s Vision vs. God’s Standard of Justice (Rethinking the American Dream)     This book compares America’s progressive agenda with God’s standard of justice revealed to Israel.     “Now all these things happened to them (Israel) as examples and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”  1 Corinthians 10:11 NKJV     Discussed at …